to spearhead
a conduce, a fi la conducere
to be the person who leads something like an attack, campaign, movement, etc.
Transitive: to spearhead an attach or endeavor
The visionary leader spearheaded the development of groundbreaking technologies.
The CEO spearheaded a new business strategy to revitalize the company.
The activist decided to spearhead the environmental conservation campaign in the community.
vârful suliței, capul suliței
the head and sharpened point of a spear
unitate avangardă, unitate de atac
the leading military unit in an attack
pionier, inițiator
someone who leads or initiates an activity (attack or campaign etc.)
The visionary leader spearheaded the development of groundbreaking technologies.
The CEO spearheaded a new business strategy to revitalize the company.
The activist decided to spearhead the environmental conservation campaign in the community.
The general chose to spearhead the military offensive personally.
The captain was assigned to spearhead the rescue mission in the disaster-stricken area.
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