Correction fluid
a quick-drying fluid typically used to cover mistakes made with pen, ink, or typewriter
What is "correction fluid"?
Correction fluid is a liquid used to cover up mistakes made with ink or pen on paper. It typically comes in a small bottle with a brush or sponge applicator, allowing users to apply a thin layer of white fluid over the error. Once it dries, the fluid creates a blank area where the mistake was, allowing the correct text to be written over it. Correction fluid is commonly used for fixing errors in documents, notes, or forms. It provides a smooth surface that can be written on once dry, making it a useful tool for ensuring neat and accurate work.
She used correction fluid to neatly cover the typo in her essay before submitting it.
The secretary carefully applied correction fluid to the errors on the typewritten document.
After making a mistake in his report, he reached for the correction fluid to fix it.

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