to bliss out
[phrase form: bliss]
desfrutar, descontrair
to feel really happy and relaxed without any particular reason
After the stressful project was over, she found herself blissing out in the sunshine.
Depois que o projeto estressante terminou, ela se encontrou desfrutando ao sol.
In the company of good friends, it 's easy to bliss out and enjoy the moment.
Na companhia de bons amigos, é fácil desfrutar e aproveitar o momento.
fazer alguém sentir-se feliz, alegrar alguém
to make someone feel extremely happy or content
Nature 's beauty never fails to bliss out those who appreciate it.
A beleza da natureza nunca deixa de alegrar aqueles que a apreciam.
The laughter of children playing blissed out the atmosphere.
O riso das crianças brincando alegrou a atmosfera.

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