Hook shot
rzut hakowy, hak
a one-handed shot made by swinging the ball in an arc over the player's head toward the basket
What is a "hook shot"?
A hook shot in basketball is a type of shot where the player uses one hand to swing the ball in an arc over their head and towards the basket. The player usually turns their body away from the defender, making it harder for the defender to block the shot. The ball is released with a sweeping motion, and the goal is to get it high and close to the hoop, using the backboard or aiming directly for the basket. A hook shot requires good technique and timing to be effective.
He made an incredible hook shot over his defender ’s head.
She practiced her hook shot until it became one of her best moves.
When he ’s close to the basket, he often relies on his hook shot.

Bliskie Słowa