Forehand drive
a stroke in racket sports like squash where the player hits the ball on their dominant side with a forward swing motion
What is a "forehand drive"?
A forehand drive is a powerful and controlled shot used in racquet sports, such as tennis, badminton, and squash. The player hits the ball or shuttlecock with their racquet while keeping their arm extended and the racquet face slightly angled forward. This shot is typically made on the dominant side of the body and is used to send the ball or shuttlecock with speed and accuracy over the net. The forehand drive is often used in fast-paced rallies, as it allows the player to quickly return the ball or shuttlecock while maintaining control of the game.
She unleashed a powerful forehand drive down the line.
His forehand drive forced his opponent into defensive mode.
The forehand drive is a fundamental offensive shot.

Bliskie Słowa