Anchovy pear
sardelowa gruszka
a tropical fruit resembling a mango, native to Jamaica, Central America, and Colombia
What is an "anchovy pear"?
An anchovy pear, also known as the river pear, is a tropical fruit native to Jamaica, Central America, and Colombia. It grows on the evergreen tree Grias cauliflora and is characterized by its vibrant color, unique flavor, and resemblance to a mango. When ripe, the anchovy pear offers a delightful combination of sweetness and tanginess, making it suitable for fresh consumption or as an ingredient in fruit salads, jams, and preserves. Its tropical essence and distinct qualities make the anchovy pear a captivating addition to the culinary world, offering a taste experience that is both exotic and intriguing.
sardela grusza
West Indian tree bearing edible fruit resembling mango
anchovy pear
While traveling, my husband and I discovered a delicious fruit named anchovy pear.
Anchovy pear can be used to make a tangy and fruity barbecue sauce.