to fight back
[phrase form: fight]
stawić opór, walczyć z powrotem
to resist or defend oneself against an attack or challenge, often by taking action to counter the aggression or difficulty
Intransitive: to fight back | to fight back against sb/sth
Despite the challenges, she decided to fight back and overcome the obstacles in her path.
When faced with unjust accusations, he chose to fight back and clear his name.
In the boxing ring, the champion learned how to fight back against his opponent's aggressive moves.
stłumić, powstrzymać
to make a conscious effort to suppress or control one's emotions, especially in challenging or emotional situations
Transitive: to fight back one's emotions
Despite the heartbreaking news, she tried to fight back tears in front of others.
He had to fight back his anger and frustration during the difficult conversation.
In the face of disappointment, she struggled to fight back the urge to express her true feelings.

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