konserwatywny, konserwatywna
supporting traditional values and beliefs and not willing to accept any contradictory change
He held conservative views on social issues such as marriage and gender roles.
The conservative religious group opposed any changes to their traditional practices or doctrines.
The conservative business owner resisted technological advancements, preferring traditional methods of production.
konserwatywny, umiarkowany
avoiding excess
konserwatywny, konserwatywna
holding a political view that supports free enterprise, limited government spending and traditional social views
Many conservative voters prioritize family values and religious beliefs in their political decisions.
A conservative approach to economic policy emphasizes individual entrepreneurship and minimal regulation.
His conservative views often put him at odds with more progressive colleagues in the debate.
konserwatywny, tradycyjny
unimaginatively conventional
konserwatywny, tradycyjny
conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle class
konserwatysta, tradycjonalista
someone who holds traditional views or methods, often preferring stability and continuity over change or innovation
Many conservatives in the town value preserving historic buildings rather than replacing them with modern designs.
Being a conservative, she prefers investing in tried-and-true stocks rather than venturing into cryptocurrency.
As a conservative, he opposes rapid changes in the education system and supports established teaching methods.
konserwatysta, konserwatystka
a person who aligns with or supports the principles and policies traditionally associated with conservative political ideologies
He held conservative views on social issues such as marriage and gender roles.
The conservative religious group opposed any changes to their traditional practices or doctrines.
The conservative business owner resisted technological advancements, preferring traditional methods of production.
She was raised in a conservative household where adherence to tradition was strongly emphasized.
Bliskie Słowa