to bring forward
[phrase form: bring]
przedstawić, wnioskować
to suggest something for discussion or consideration
Sarah brought the new marketing strategy forward during the team meeting.
Can you bring the proposal forward in the next agenda?
The employee brought forward a cost-saving suggestion to the management.
przenieść do przodu, wnieść do następnego kroku
(in bookkeeping) to write down or use the result of one calculation in the next step
Bring the initial result forward and divide it by the next factor in the equation.
Calculate the average, and then bring it forward for further statistical analysis.
After finding the sum, bring it forward and subtract the next value.
przenieść na wcześniej, przyspieszyć
to move an event or appointment to an earlier date or time
Let's bring the meeting forward to accommodate everyone's schedule.
The manager decided to bring the deadline forward to expedite the project.
Can we bring the concert forward to avoid scheduling conflicts?

Bliskie Słowa