Runner's high
euforia biegacza, przyjemność biegowa
the euphoric feeling experienced after a challenging run due to the release of endorphins
What is a "runner's high"?
A runner’s high is a feeling of euphoria or intense happiness that some runners experience during or after a long run. This sensation is often linked to the release of endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that reduce pain and stress, creating a sense of well-being. It can make a runner feel energized, relaxed, and even mentally clearer. Although not all runners experience this feeling, it is often associated with the satisfaction of completing a challenging run and the physical benefits of exercise.
The intensity of the uphill climb was rewarded with an incredible runner's high on the descent.
After completing the marathon, she experienced a powerful runner's high that lasted for hours.
Even during a grueling training session, he strives for that elusive runner's high.

Bliskie Słowa