new blood
people who are newly employed or admitted in order to provide the group, company, etc. with enthusiasm and new and exciting ideas
What is the origin of the idiom "new blood" and when to use it?
The idiom "new blood" originated in the 16th century and referred to the introduction of new people or ideas into an established group or organization. The term "blood" is used metaphorically to represent fresh energy or vitality. it is used to describe the introduction of new people, ideas, or approaches into an established group or organization.
The company was in need of new blood, so they hired a team of young, innovative employees to bring new ideas and energy to the workplace.
The department was struggling with outdated practices and procedures, so they hired a consultant to bring in new blood and help them modernize their approach.
The organization was stagnating, and it was clear that they needed new blood to bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the table.

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