Thunder thighs
grube uda, gromkie uda
used to refer to someone with fat or large thighs
What is the origin of the idiom "thunder thighs" and when to use it?
The idiom "thunder thighs" refers to someone who has large or muscular thighs. It originates from the association of thunder with loud and powerful sounds, and thighs with their strength and size. It is generally used in a humorous or lighthearted manner to describe someone with notably large thighs. It can be used to refer to individuals with muscular or overweight thighs, often in a playful or teasing context. However, it is important to be mindful of the potential for body shaming or causing offense, so it's recommended to use this idiom with caution and sensitivity.
Despite her insecurities, Lisa embraced her strong and muscular legs, proudly referring to them as her thunder thighs.
Growing up, Jason was teased for his larger thighs, but he eventually learned to love and appreciate his thunder thighs for their strength and endurance.
Look at little baby 's adorable thunder thighs!

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