lina, sznur
a long, flexible cord made by twisting together strands of fibers, wire, or other material, used for tying, pulling, or supporting things
The climber tied the rope securely before beginning the ascent.
They used a strong rope to pull the car out of the ditch.
The sailors coiled the rope neatly on the deck.
linia, rope (slang)
slang term for the drug flunitrazepam, commonly known as Rohypnol, a potent sedative often misused illegally
to rope
to fasten or secure something using a rope
He roped the tent securely to withstand the strong winds.
They roped the canoe to the dock to prevent it from drifting away.
The workers roped the equipment to the truck for safe transportation.
złapać za pomocą lassa, uchwycić za pomocą lassa
to catch or capture an animal using a lasso, typically by throwing a looped rope over its head or around its legs
The cowboy expertly roped the runaway calf.
She roped the wild horse after a thrilling chase.
He learned how to rope cattle at the rodeo.

Bliskie Słowa