hazelnootkleurig, groenbruin
having a greenish-brown color
The autumn leaves had a hazel tint, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.
The artist used hazel tones to capture the essence of a sunlit forest in the painting.
Her eyes were a striking hazel color, with flecks of green and gold.
hazelaar, hazelnootachtig
made from or relating to the hazel tree or its products
She chose a hazel walking stick for its strength and natural beauty.
The rustic fence was crafted from hazel branches.
The artist used hazel wood for the sculpture ’s delicate details.
hazelaar, hazelnootbruin
a brownish-green color resembling the hue of hazelnuts or the eyes of some individuals
The room was decorated in various shades of hazel, creating a warm and inviting space.
She selected a hazel for the upholstery that matched the earthy tones of the room.
The hazel of the autumn leaves was beautifully captured in the painting.
hazelaar, hazelnoot
a type of deciduous tree or shrub from the genus Corylus, known for its rounded leaves, catkins, and edible nuts called hazelnuts
The hazel in the garden provides both shade and nuts for wildlife.
The hazel is known for its distinctive catkins that appear in early spring.
We spotted a pair of squirrels nesting in the hazel.