schotel, bakvorm
What is a "dish"?
A dish is a shallow, flat container typically used for serving or cooking food. Dishes come in various shapes, sizes, and materials, including ceramic, glass, metal, or plastic. They can be used for a wide range of purposes, from serving individual portions of food to baking or roasting dishes in the oven. Dishes may have decorative patterns or designs to enhance their appearance, and they are essential items in any kitchen or dining setting for preparing, serving, and presenting food.
gerecht, schotel
What is a "dish"?
A dish refers to a specific type of food or recipe, often prepared as part of a meal. It can be a main course, side dish, appetizer, or dessert. Dishes can vary widely in their ingredients, flavors, and cooking methods, depending on cultural traditions, personal preferences, and dietary requirements.
lekker ding, mooie meid
activiteit, specialiteit
Schotel, Parabolische schotel
schotel, gerecht
servies, afwas
schaalvormig maken, in een schaalvorm brengen
serveren, aanbieden