Tabletop role-playing game

Tabletop role-playing game
tabletop rollenspel, tafel rollenspel
a type of game where players assume the roles of fictional characters and collaboratively create a story and adventure, guided by rules and a gamemaster, using dice rolls and imagination to resolve actions and outcomes
What is a "tabletop role-playing game"?
A tabletop role-playing game (RPG) is a type of game where players assume the roles of characters and tell a story through conversation and dice rolls. The game is usually guided by a "game master" who describes the setting and controls non-player characters, while the players make decisions for their own characters. Tabletop RPGs became popular in the 1970s with games like "Dungeons & Dragons." The game is played on a table with paper, pencils, dice, and sometimes maps. Success depends on imagination, problem-solving, and collaboration with other players to navigate the game's challenges.
tabletop role-playing game