What is "ham"?
Ham is a type of cured or smoked meat made from the hind leg or thigh of a pig. It is typically brined, smoked, or dry-cured, giving it a distinct flavor and preserving it for longer storage. Ham can be enjoyed in various forms, including sliced for sandwiches, diced for salads or soups, or served as a main course for holidays or special occasions. It is known for its savory taste and tender texture, making it a popular choice for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Ham is often glazed with a sweet or savory sauce before baking or grilling to enhance its flavor and create a caramelized crust.
연극적인 스타일이 과장된 배우, 과장된 연기를 하는 배우
Who is a "ham"?
A ham is an actor who performs in an exaggerated, overly dramatic, or showy manner. This type of actor tends to overemphasize their emotions or actions, often drawing attention to themselves in a way that seems excessive. The term can be used both critically and humorously to describe someone who seeks to steal the spotlight with their flamboyant performance.
햄, 햄 라디오
함 (Ham), 노아의 아들 함
과장하다, 연기를 과장하다