수축, 감소
축약형, 수축
What is a "contraction"?
A contraction is a shortened form of a word or group of words that combines them into one, often by omitting certain letters and replacing them with an apostrophe. For example, "do not" can be contracted to "don't", and "I am" becomes "I'm". Contractions are commonly used in spoken and informal written language to make speech or writing more fluid and conversational. They help convey a sense of familiarity and ease in communication, while still retaining the original meaning of the full expression.
수축, 자궁 수축
What is a "contraction"?
A contraction is a tightening and relaxing of the muscles in the uterus that helps to push the baby out during labor. These muscle movements create pressure and gradually open the cervix, the lower part of the uterus that connects to the birth canal. The cervix must open to allow the baby to pass through during delivery. Contractions occur in a regular pattern and become stronger and more frequent as labor progresses. They help move the baby down the birth canal and make the delivery process easier.
수축, 축소