갈색무늬나뭇새, 갈색깃발
What is a "brown creeper"?
A brown creeper is a small, inconspicuous bird found in North America, known for its unique foraging behavior and cryptic plumage. With its mottled brown and white feathers, the brown creeper blends seamlessly into the tree bark, allowing it to go unnoticed by predators and prey alike. As its name suggests, this tiny bird exhibits a distinctive creeping behavior, using its curved bill to probe and pry into the crevices of tree trunks in search of insects and spiders. It spirals upward around tree trunks in a helical pattern, making it well-adapted to its arboreal lifestyle. The brown creeper's soft, high-pitched song can be heard echoing through forests, adding a touch of enchantment to its elusive nature.