Wicket gate
작은 문, 측문
a small gate or door within a larger gate or fence, often used for pedestrian access while keeping the main gate closed
What is a "wicket gate"?
A wicket gate is a small door or gate, often built into a larger gate or fence, allowing for individual passage without opening the larger gate. It is typically used for pedestrian access in places like gardens, parks, or large estates. Wicket gates are commonly found in areas where it is impractical to open a large gate for a single person. They are often made of wood or metal and may have a simple design, providing a more convenient and secure way to pass through a boundary or enclosure.
The garden was surrounded by a tall stone wall, with a small wicket gate for easy access.
The wicket gate opened directly onto the village street, offering a shortcut to the market.
The castle 's grounds had a wicket gate near the main entrance, often used by local villagers.