오른손잡이, 오른손
primarily using one's right hand for tasks
The right-handed student struggled to write neatly with their left hand during the handwriting exercise.
The right-handed writer held the pen with their dominant hand while composing the letter.
Despite being right-handed, Mary learned to play tennis with her left hand as she found it more comfortable.
오른손잡이의, 오른손용으로 설계된
designed for or used with the right hand
Emily 's right-handed cooking utensils were essential tools in preparing meals in the kitchen.
Tim 's right-handed computer mouse made navigating through the software interface effortless.
Jack 's right-handed guitar felt natural in his hands as he strummed the chords.
오른손의, 시계 방향의
rotating to the right
The right-handed student struggled to write neatly with their left hand during the handwriting exercise.
The right-handed writer held the pen with their dominant hand while composing the letter.
Despite being right-handed, Mary learned to play tennis with her left hand as she found it more comfortable.
Despite being right-handed, Mary learned to knit using left-handed instructions to accommodate her orientation.
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