보상금, 보상
a sum of money paid to someone to make up for the damage or harm done to them
교정, 보상
act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil
재편성, 시정
the process of changing the set or scenery to represent a different location or time period within the same production, often used to create the illusion of multiple locations without the need for multiple sets
What is "redress"?
Redress refers to the process of altering or modifying a set or location to fit a different scene or purpose in film and television production. This can involve changing decorations, props, and other visual elements to create a new look or atmosphere. Redress allows filmmakers to reuse the same space for multiple scenes or settings, ensuring continuity and efficiency while adapting the environment to suit various parts of the story.
to redress
수정하다, 보상하다
to do something in order to make up for a wrongdoing or to make things right
The company promised to redress the mistakes made in the product delivery.
She sought to redress the harm caused by her earlier actions.
The government took steps to redress the wrongs done to the affected communities.