to recuperate
회복하다, 재활하다
to recover from a disease or injury
After his surgery, he stayed in the hospital for several days to recuperate before returning home.
It took him several weeks to recuperate fully from the flu and regain his strength.
She spent her vacation at a beach resort to relax and recuperate from the stress of work.
회복하다, 재건하다
to recover or regain your strength after an illness or a difficult time
되찾다, 회복하다
to get something back, especially after losing it
회복하다, 재생하다
to restore to a normal condition after dealing with hardships
After his surgery, he stayed in the hospital for several days to recuperate before returning home.
It took him several weeks to recuperate fully from the flu and regain his strength.
She spent her vacation at a beach resort to relax and recuperate from the stress of work.
The athlete underwent intensive physical therapy to help him recuperate from his sports injury and return to competition.
The doctor advised her to take it easy and allow her body time to recuperate after the accident.

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