Can you lend me your red pen to fill out this form?
He writes his thoughts and ideas in a journal with a fancy pen.
She uses a black pen to sign important documents.
우리, 임시 울타리
a designated enclosed area where domesticated animals such as pigs, goats, and chickens are housed
암 백조
a female swan distinguished from the male swan by being smaller in size and having less prominent black knob on the beak
교도소, 형무소
a correctional institution for those convicted of major crimes
놀이 울타리, 아기 놀이터
a portable enclosure in which babies may be left to play
to pen
쓰다, 작성하다
to write a letter, novel, play, etc.
Transitive: to pen a letter or literary piece
She decided to pen a heartfelt letter expressing her gratitude to the person who had helped her.
The author diligently penned the final chapter of the novel, bringing the story to a satisfying conclusion.
Inspired by the picturesque landscape, he felt compelled to pen a poem capturing the beauty of nature.