What is "latte"?
Latte, also known as café latte, is a coffee beverage that is made with espresso, steamed milk, and a layer of frothed milk on top. The word "latte" is derived from the Italian caffè latte, which means "milk coffee." The drink is made by pouring a shot of espresso into a cup and then adding steamed milk, which is typically made by heating milk with a steam wand on an espresso machine. A layer of frothed milk is then added on top, creating a creamy and velvety texture. Latte can be customized with various flavors, such as vanilla or caramel syrup, and it can be served hot or iced. Latte is a popular choice for those who want a smooth and indulgent coffee beverage that is not as strong as espresso or black coffee. It is often served in a large mug or glass and can be enjoyed as a morning drink or an afternoon pick-me-up.