to drop off
[phrase form: drop]
眠り込む, うとうとする
to fall asleep, often unintentionally or unexpectedly
After a long day at work, she found herself starting to drop off on the couch.
The soothing rhythm of the train made him drop off during the journey.
While reading a book in bed, I tend to drop off after a few pages.
送り届ける, おろす
to take a person or thing to a predetermined location and leave afterwards
Transitive: to drop off sb somewhere
The taxi driver agreed to drop off the passengers at the airport.
Can you drop me off at the train station on your way to work?
The school bus will drop off the children at their respective stops.
減少する (げんしょうする), 落ち込む (おちこむ)
to become less or be decreased
The enthusiasm for the project started to drop off as challenges arose.
As winter approached, the temperature began to drop off significantly.
Sales tend to drop off during the off-peak season for many businesses.
悪化する (あっかする), 低下する (ていかする)
to deteriorate in terms of condition, quality, or performance
The patient 's health started to drop off after the prolonged illness.
The team 's performance began to drop off in the second half of the game.
The condition of the old building continued to drop off, requiring extensive renovations.
撤退する(てったいする), 離脱する(りだつする)
to pull back from a place, position, or situation
Intransitive: to drop off | to drop off from a positiotn
Faced with strong opposition, the army decided to drop off from the contested area.
The hikers had to drop off from their ascent due to adverse weather conditions.
Realizing the overwhelming challenges, the team chose to drop off from the competition.