Crocodile tears
ワニの涙, 偽の感情
fake display of feelings of sadness, remorse, or sympathy
What is the origin of the idiom "crocodile tears" and when to use it?
The idiom "crocodile tears" traces its origin to an ancient belief that crocodiles shed tears while consuming their prey. However, this idea is scientifically inaccurate as crocodiles do not express genuine emotions. Nevertheless, the phrase "crocodile tears" has come to represent insincere or hypocritical displays of sorrow or remorse. This expression is used to convey the idea of false sympathy or remorse, emphasizing the insincerity or ulterior motives behind someone's emotional display.
crocodile tears
The actor's emotional outburst during the interview seemed like crocodile tears, designed to gain sympathy and generate publicity.
The politician shed crocodile tears during his speech, pretending to empathize with the citizens' struggles while actively working against their interests.
She cried crocodile tears when confronted about her actions, attempting to manipulate others into feeling sorry for her.
Despite his apologies, his actions revealed that his remorse was nothing more than crocodile tears.
The manager shed crocodile tears after firing the employee, pretending to feel sorry while having planned the termination for months.