to get on for
[phrase form: get]
(時間に)近づく, (時間が)迫る
to approach or be close to a particular time or hour
The meeting lasted for hours; it was getting on for midnight.
The flight was delayed, and it was getting on for sunset by the time they arrived.
The movie was longer than expected; it was getting on for three hours.
約~に近い, ~に達しそう
to be close to reaching a particular number
The charity event has raised a substantial amount of money, getting on for $10,000.
The project deadline is tomorrow, and we 're getting on for 90 % completion.
The temperature is getting on for 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
40歳に近づいている, 40歳に達しようとしている
to be close to reaching a particular age
Sarah is getting on for 40, and she's already accomplished so much in her career.
The old oak tree in the park must be getting on for 100 years old.
She 's getting on for 60, but she's still very active.