What is "silver"?
Silver is a precious metal that is known for its white and lustrous appearance. It has been used to create various objects for centuries, including jewelry, coins, and decorative pieces. Silver is a soft and malleable metal that is easy to work with, making it a popular choice for jewelers. It is also a good conductor of heat and electricity, making it useful in electrical applications. Silver jewelry has been worn for centuries and can range from simple, elegant pieces to more elaborate and intricate designs. Because of its durability and beauty, silver is a popular material for jewelry-making and other decorative purposes.
銀, 銀製のカトラリー
銀, 銀のトロフィー
銀貨, 銀
銀の, 銀製の
銀色の, 銀の
雄弁な, 明確な
銀色にする, 銀に塗る
銀色にする, 銀にする
銀を塗る, 銀メッキする