バッテリー, 蓄電池
What is a "battery"?
A battery is a device that stores energy and provides power to machines, devices, or vehicles. It works by converting stored chemical energy into electrical energy, which can be used to run various equipment. Batteries come in different sizes and power levels depending on their use, from small ones in electronic devices to large ones in cars. They are essential for powering things like phones, flashlights, and cars. Over time, batteries lose their ability to hold charge and need to be replaced or recharged.
バッテリー, 砲兵バッテリー
バッテリー, 集中砲火
バッテリー, セット
バッテリー, 鉱石粉砕器
バッテリー(野球), ピッチャーとキャッチャー
バッテリー, グループ
What is a "battery"?
In chess, a battery refers to two or more pieces, typically a queen and a rook or two rooks, placed on the same line, rank, file, or diagonal, to work together and create a stronger attack. The idea is that these pieces support each other, allowing one to defend or enhance the power of the other. A battery can be used to apply pressure on the opponent's position, particularly when aimed at key targets like the opponent’s king or a weak pawn. This tactic often leads to a devastating attack if the opponent is not careful.