to pray
祈る, 祈願する
to speak to God or a deity, often to ask for help, express gratitude, or show devotion
Intransitive: to pray | to pray for sth
In times of trouble, people often pray for guidance and strength.
Every morning, she takes a few minutes to pray for a successful day.
Families gather around the table to pray before meals, expressing gratitude for the food.
お願いします, 祈ります
to ask or request something politely or earnestly
Transitive: to pray to do sth
Ditransitive: to pray sb do sth
I pray you do not keep me waiting any longer.
I pray you do not go into the forest at night.
She prayed to be allowed to attend the party, hoping her parents would change their minds.
祈る, 希望する
to hope or wish for something deeply
Transitive: to pray that
Intransitive: to pray for sth
I pray that everything goes well during the exam.
He prays that his team wins the championship.
I pray that my application is accepted.