to nag
いらいらさせる, うるさくする
to annoy others constantly with endless complaints
She nags her brother every morning to clean his room.
I try not to nag my friends about being on time, but they are always late.
He nags his colleagues constantly about their work performance.
悩ます, 心配させる
worry persistently
しつこく思い出させる, せっつく
remind or urge constantly
古い馬, 低品質の馬
A horse of low quality, often considered old or worn-out
What is a "nag"?
A nag is a term used to describe a horse that is old or worn out, or one that is considered of little value. Typically, a nag is a small or thin horse that has become weak or feeble due to age or overuse. These horses may have a bad temperament and be difficult to work with, making them less desirable for riding or work. The term "nag" is often used to refer to a horse that is in poor condition or one that is no longer useful for its intended purpose. However, it is important to note that this term can be considered derogatory by some horse owners and enthusiasts, as it implies a lack of respect or value for the animal.
うるさい人, 文句ばかり言う人
someone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault