to go nuts
essere impazzito
to act in a very wild or extreme manner, often showing intense anger, excitement, or joy
What is the origin of the idiom "go nuts" and when to use it?
The origin of the phrase "go nuts" in the sense of becoming angry is uncertain. However, it likely originated in American English in the mid-20th century or earlier. The phrase uses "nuts" as a metaphor for someone's emotional state or mental stability. This expression is commonly used to describe situations where individuals become overwhelmed by frustration, irritation, or perceived injustice, causing them to erupt in a burst of anger. It can be applied to instances of heated arguments, confrontations, or situations where someone's anger becomes uncontrollable.
He goes nuts whenever someone questions his authority.
The customer went nuts after receiving poor customer service.
She went nuts when she found out about the betrayal.
to become extremely excited or happy about something, often resulting in uncontrolled behavior

Parole Vicine