cup of joe
used to refer to a cup of coffee
What is the origin of the idiom "cup of joe" and when to use it?
The origin of the idiom "cup of joe" is believed to date back to the early 20th century, possibly during World War I or World War II. It's thought to be a reference to coffee, with "joe" being a common nickname for an average or generic person, similar to "John Doe." The use of "joe" in this context might have been a way to emphasize the ubiquity and everyday nature of coffee, which is a popular and essential beverage. Over time, the term "cup of joe" became a colloquial expression for an actual cup of coffee.
I ca n't even function in the morning until I've had my first cup of joe.
I need a strong cup of joe to wake me up in the morning.
After a long night of work, a hot cup of joe is just what I crave.

Parole Vicine