Cambridge, Kota Cambridge
Cambridge (domba)
What is a "Cambridge"?
Cambridge is a breed of sheep that originated in the United Kingdom, specifically in the Cambridgeshire region. It is a medium-sized breed with distinctive physical characteristics, including a long body, deep chest, and a relatively long, narrow head. The Cambridge sheep is known for its high-quality fleece, which is typically white and dense, with a medium to long staple length. The fleece is prized for its softness, fineness, and luster, making it suitable for a wide range of textile applications, including spinning, felting, and weaving. The Cambridge sheep is also known for its good meat quality, with tender and flavorful meat. The breed is well-adapted to grazing in rough or hilly terrain and is known for its hardiness and resistance to diseases. Cambridge sheep are typically docile and easy to handle, making them suitable for both commercial and hobby farming.