White rabbit
kelinci putih, orang yang terlambat
someone who is late for getting somewhere and anxiously tries to get there
What is the origin of the idiom "white rabbit" and when to use it?
The idiom "white rabbit" originated from Lewis Carroll's novel "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," where the White Rabbit character is depicted as constantly worried about being late. It is often employed when describing or referring to individuals who are running behind schedule. It may also be used humorously or metaphorically to convey the feeling of being rushed or overwhelmed by deadlines or time constraints.
They were acting like white rabbits, frantically searching for their misplaced keys.
white rabbit
Kelinci putih! Semoga bulan ini membawa keberuntungan dan kemakmuran bagi kita semua., Kelinci putih! Semoga bulan ini menjadi bulan yang penuh keberuntungan.
used to bring good luck or to ward off bad luck, especially when said on the first day of a new month
Do n't forget to say ' white rabbit ' as soon as you wake up to ensure a lucky month ahead.
They were acting like white rabbits, frantically searching for their misplaced keys.
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