to touch base (with)
to make contact with someone in order to exchange information or to consult with them
What is the origin of the idiom "touch base" and when to use it?
The idiom "touch base" has its origins in baseball, where players need to physically touch each base as they run the field to advance or score. In its figurative use, it is used to emphasize the need for regular communication and interaction in various contexts, reflecting the idea of reaching specific points or milestones in a relationship or conversation.
I need to touch base with our clients to see if they have any new requirements.
We should touch base with our suppliers to confirm the delivery schedule.
I 'll touch base with you next week to discuss our project 's progress.
I need to touch base with our clients to see if they have any new requirements.
We should touch base with our suppliers to confirm the delivery schedule.
I'll touch base with you next week to discuss our project's progress.
Let's touch base at the end of the day to ensure we're all on the same page.
I'll touch base with you next week to discuss our project's progress.
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