daging burung (thymus atau pankreas), otak sapi (dari anak hewan)
a type of meat that refers to the thymus or pancreas of a young animal
What is "sweetbread"?
Sweetbreads refer to the organ meat obtained from the thymus gland or pancreas of young calves, lambs, or pigs. Despite the name, sweetbreads are not sweet; rather, they have a delicate, creamy texture and a subtle flavor that is prized in culinary circles. Sweetbreads are considered a delicacy in many cuisines around the world and can be prepared in various ways, including sautéing, frying, grilling, or braising. Sweetbreads require careful preparation to remove any membranes or connective tissue and are best enjoyed when cooked until golden brown on the outside while still creamy and tender on the inside.
She cooked the sweetbread in a creamy mushroom sauce, and it turned out to be her favorite dish.
The chef recommended the sweetbread as a unique and flavorful addition to the dinner menu.

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