to fathom
megérteni, felfogni
to understand and make sense of something after giving it a lot of thought
Transitive: to fathom a concept or idea
The novel 's intricate plot required readers to fathom the characters' motivations.
It took her some time to fathom the complexities of the scientific theory.
After hours of contemplation, he finally fathomed the meaning behind the cryptic message.
mérni, képet adni a mélységről
to measure how deep something, like water, is
Transitive: to fathom a body of water
They had to fathom the lake to ensure the boat could safely navigate.
The crew fathomed the river to determine the best place to anchor.
He tried to fathom the waters to find the ideal spot for fishing.
fathom, fathom (mértékegység)
a linear unit of measurement (equal to 6 feet) for water depth
fathom, fathom (bányászati egység)
(mining) a unit of volume (equal to 6 cubic feet) used in measuring bodies of ore

Közeli Szavak