hirtelen fájdalom, izomgörcs
a sudden, sharp pain or discomfort, often linked to muscle stiffness, commonly occurring in areas like the neck, back, or other parts of the body
A quick head turn caused an annoying crick in the neck.
Waking up with a neck crick after an uncomfortable night 's sleep is common.
A long drive triggered an upper back crick, limiting head movement.
to crick
meghúzni, megfeszíteni
to cause a sudden painful stiffness or spasm in a muscle, typically occurring due to an awkward movement or prolonged position
She cricked her wrist when lifting a heavy box improperly.
As he was gardening, he cricked his lower back, causing immediate discomfort.
Yesterday, a sudden movement while exercising cricked her knee, resulting in pain.
A quick head turn caused an annoying crick in the neck.
Waking up with a neck crick after an uncomfortable night's sleep is common.
A long drive triggered an upper back crick, limiting head movement.
Extended computer use may result in a crick in the shoulders.
Lifting heavy boxes led to a lingering lower back crick.
Közeli Szavak