to put a sock in it
to tell a person to stop making noise or stop talking, especially if they are being loud or annoying
What is the origin of the idiom "put a sock in it" and when to use it?
The idiom "put a sock in it" originates from the practice of placing a sock or a piece of cloth inside a musical instrument, such as a trumpet or a trombone, to muffle or mute the sound. This action reduces the instrument's volume, making it less noisy. The phrase has its roots in the early 20th century, when it was used by musicians to indicate that someone should insert a sock or cloth into their instrument to make it quieter during a performance. This expression is now used to refer to any situation where someone needs to be quieter or stop making noise.
I was just about to tell them about Janet's pregnancy, but I stuffed a sock in it when she shot me an icy look.
I wish someone would tell him to put a sock in it.
During the tense meeting, the manager had to tell the team to stick a sock in it and focus on finding solutions to the problem.
Hey, put a sock in it, will you?
The loud music from the neighboring apartment was disturbing everyone, so I finally went over and asked them to stuff a sock in it.