trükk, bűvésztrükk
trükk, csíny
a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement
csapda, átverés
a period of work or duty
a group of cards played in a single round, typically one card played by each player in turn according to the rules of the game
What is a "trick"?
A trick is a term used in many card games to refer to a round of play in which each player plays one card, and the winner of the trick is determined based on the game’s rules. Typically, the player who plays the highest card in the leading suit, or the highest trump card if there is a trump suit, wins the trick and collects the cards. The winner of each trick may gain points or have other advantages depending on the game.
a prostitute's customer
a skillful action or move, often done to show ability or entertain
to deceive a person so that they do what one wants