What is a "sandbag"?
A sandbag is a bag filled with sand, often used for protection or as a weight. It is commonly used in construction, flood control, and military applications. Sandbags can be stacked to create barriers or walls, especially in areas where flooding is a risk, to help block water. They are also used to fortify structures, protect buildings or roads, and provide stability to various items. Sandbags are durable and versatile, making them useful in a variety of situations where temporary protection is needed.
homokzsákokkal megerősíteni, homokzsákokkal eltömíteni
csökkenteni a képességeit, letagadni a saját képességeit
homokzsákkal ütni, homokzsákkal megütni
homokzsákra, lerakni
keményen bánni, igazságtalanul bánni
kényszerít, fenyeget