to hassle
परेशान करना, झंझट करना
to irritate someone or cause problems for them, particularly by asking them to do something over and over again
Transitive: to hassle sb
Having to wait in long lines can hassle customers at the grocery store.
Being asked to provide the same information repeatedly can hassle individuals dealing with bureaucracy.
Troublesome software issues can hassle users trying to complete tasks.
विवाद, झगड़ा
a dispute or disagreement between people
There was a hassle between the two customers over who was first in line.
He had a hassle with his landlord about the rent increase.
There was a hassle between the neighbors about noise levels.
जुट, झंझट
a situation that is disturbing because it causes difficulty or problems
Returning the item was a real hassle because of the long lines at the store.
The traffic jam turned the morning commute into a major hassle.
Dealing with the paperwork was a hassle

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