नखरेंदाज, बात-बात पर नाराज होने वाला
overly particular about small details, making one challenging to please
He 's finicky about the temperature in the room, always adjusting the thermostat to his preference.
The finicky eater refused to eat anything that was n't prepared exactly to their liking.
The finicky customer returned the product multiple times, claiming it did n't meet their standards.
He's finicky about the temperature in the room, always adjusting the thermostat to his preference.
The finicky eater refused to eat anything that wasn't prepared exactly to their liking.
The finicky customer returned the product multiple times, claiming it didn't meet their standards.
She's so finicky about cleanliness, insisting on scrubbing every surface until it shines.
Her finicky taste in fashion meant she spent hours searching for the perfect outfit.
निकटवर्ती शब्द