युद्ध घोड़ा, साम ceremonीय घोड़ा
What is a "charger"?
A charger is a horse that is trained for battle and was often used by knights during medieval times. They were known for their speed, agility, and strength and were bred specifically for war. Chargers were highly valued and often passed down through generations of a noble family. They were trained to carry heavily armored knights into battle and were also used as a means of transportation during times of peace. Chargers were typically well-bred and well-cared for, as they were a symbol of status and power. Today, the term "charger" is often used more broadly to refer to any horse that is used for riding, especially in a sporting or recreational context.
चार्जर प्लेट, बेस प्लेट
What is a "charger"?
A charger, also known as a charger plate or service plate, is a large, decorative plate typically used as an elegant base or foundation for table settings during formal dining occasions. Chargers are usually larger than standard dinner plates and are placed beneath them as a decorative accent. They come in various materials such as porcelain, glass, metal, or wood, and can feature intricate designs, patterns, or textures to complement the overall table décor. Chargers serve both a practical and aesthetic purpose, adding a touch of sophistication and elegance to each place setting while also helping to protect the tablecloth or table surface from spills or stains.