to stick up for
[phrase form: stick]
to show strong support for a person or thing when they are faced with danger or criticism
What is the origin of the idiom "stick up for someone or something" and when to use it?
The idiom "stick up for someone or something" finds its origin in the imagery of physically brandishing a stick or weapon in defense. The word "stick" refers to a long, slender object that can be used as a makeshift weapon. The idiom emerged from the literal act of using a stick to protect oneself or others from harm. It is commonly employed in personal relationships, such as friendships or family dynamics, when someone stands up for a loved one in the face of criticism, bullying, or injustice.
Despite facing backlash, she always sticks up for her friends, defending them fiercely and standing by their side.
The teacher encouraged her students to stick up for one another, fostering a supportive and inclusive classroom environment.
He bravely stuck up for his beliefs, even when his opinions were met with opposition and criticism.

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