स्किज़ॉइड, स्किज़ॉइड व्यक्ति
What is "schizoid"?
Schizoid is a mental health condition characterized by detachment from social relationships and a limited range of emotional expression in interpersonal settings. Individuals with schizoid typically prefer one-person activities and have little desire for close relationships, including with family members. They may appear indifferent or emotionally detached, and they often seem unaffected by praise or criticism from others. People with schizoid may have interesting inner worlds but struggle to express their thoughts and feelings to others. Treatment may involve therapy to improve social skills and address any underlying issues contributing to the disorder.
स्किज़ोइड, स्किज़ोफ्रेनिक
स्किज़ॉइड, स्किज़ोफ्रेनिक