असिस्टेंट, सेवक
a person working in the service of another (especially in the household)
रिटेनर, दांतों को स्थिर रखने वाला उपकरण
a device used to maintain the position of teeth after braces are removed
What is a "retainer"?
A retainer is a dental device used to keep teeth in their new position after orthodontic treatment, like braces. It is usually made of plastic or metal and fits closely over the teeth. Retainers help prevent teeth from shifting back to their original position and maintain the results achieved through orthodontic work.
After braces, Jenny wore a retainer to keep her teeth straight.
After treatment, Alex got a clear retainer to wear discreetly.
Tim 's retainer helped prevent his teeth from moving after braces.
एडवांस फीस, निर्धारीकरण शुल्क
a fee charged in advance to retain the services of someone

निकटवर्ती शब्द