one's opposite number
a person or thing that has the exact same function as that of another person or thing, but in a different place or situation
What is the origin of the idiom "one's opposite number" and when to use it?
The idiom "one's opposite number" originated from the context of diplomatic, military, or business interactions. It refers to a person who holds a corresponding or equivalent position on the other side of a negotiation, discussion, or conflict. This idiom is primarily used to suggest a sense of symmetry or mirroring, as each person acts as a counterpart or counterpart to the other, representing similar roles or responsibilities in their respective organizations or groups.
The CEO of one company met with his opposite number from a competitor to discuss a potential merger.
The defense minister held talks with his opposite number from a neighboring country to discuss border security.
The teacher from one school collaborated with her opposite number at a different school to develop a joint curriculum.

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